Recent Liminal Sightings
Dürer’s Melancholy
I I first encountered Melencolia I in the early months of 2010 at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Curators gathered twelve prints from the museum’s collection in a small exhibit, Albrecht Dürer: Virtuoso Printmaker, and the engraver’s deftly rendered…
In February 2022 a Nor’easter blew into Maine and toppled a 100-year-old apple tree on Ben and Laura Herman’s farm. The four movements that follow tell the story of Bruce Herman’s affection for that tree. I Eleven years before the…
God’s Garden
Easing north on Highway 141 through Wausaukee, Wisconsin (pop. 594), I never fail to notice Eden Restored. Unlike the 16th-century embroidered textile pictured above, this single-story shop clad in tan vinyl siding hardly signals Paradise.[1] Its health market offers bulk…
The morning fog was settled so thickly the first day of October that approaching headlights appeared without warning. Best to take it slow as I found my way along the paved country road. Nine miles south of Madison I turned…
Crating Cumulate
“Cam,” Lucian asks, “How many crates are you making today?” “Two,” I say. The seven-year-old’s math-mind whirrs. “So,” he continues, “when you finish these you will have 18, right? Then you only need to make… 11 more?” From mid-summer to…
Porcelain Redux
The Oxford English Dictionary identifies “redux” as an adjective that means “brought back, restored; experienced or considered for a second time; revisited.” In ancient Rome, Fortuna Redux, thought to be the goddess of chance, was associated with safe homecomings, good…
The Glass Bead Game
Notes from the Studio At age twelve I asked my father if I might have a drawer in his filing cabinet. I imagined gathering all my things and ideas . . . shoebox collections, roadmaps, summer camp mementoes, clippings from…
Eager to support artists in Ukraine, Professor Richard Cummings had an idea. He curated an exhibit entitled We Are Together: Icons of Hope and invited twenty-one artists…
Truly, it was an accident. In a moment of juvenile horseplay I slammed into the glass shelves mounted on our dining room wall and sent Mom’s entire collection of porcelain teacups and saucers crashing to the floor…
Sipping with Charley
“How do you like my collection?” Unsolicited, the man’s question is a bemused accusation. Stopping to grab morning coffee, I had parked next to a tired Malibu and he’d seen me peering through its windows…
Dear Sister-in-Law Dawn, Detritus, the word, has attitude, and I am confident you introduced the term to me. The way I remember it…
Last Testament
By Cameron Anderson Our father was failing. So we, his six children with three spouses, quickly gathered at Congregational Home. It was a Sunday morning. Arriving in ones and twos, we signed in at the registration desk of his assisted…
On Liminality
By Cameron Anderson The watercolor sketch above is a plein-air rendering of Rover Island. I painted it on a rainy June afternoon in 1991. According to locals, Rover has never been settled. It belongs to an archipelago of 36 islands—the…
An Ordinary Saint
By Cameron Anderson In 2009 the painter Bruce Herman’s father and mother, William and Ruth Herman, died without warning. As an act of tender remembrance he completed Painting of the Artist’s Father in 2010 and in 2011, Painting of the…
Finding Shalom
By Cameron J. Anderson Once there was a way to get back homeward,Once there was a way to get back home,Sleep pretty darling, do not cry,And I will sing a lullaby.—Paul McCartney, Golden Slumbers Lifelong, Sir Ebenezer Howard (1850-1928) was…
December Fool’s Day
By Cameron Anderson It was my wife, C. K., who christened the first day of December “December Fool’s Day.” December 1st is my birthday, and those who know C. K. will recognize the pronouncement as evidence of her affection and…
Thickly Woven
By Cameron Anderson Especially in recent months it’s been all the fashion to deconstruct one’s faith, to wake up to the Church’s many problems and incongruities and conclude that earlier theological and ecclesial commitments are now inadequate, even mistaken. Amid…
A Garden Tragedy
By Cameron Anderson Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had spent in doing it, and again, all was vanity and a chasing after the wind, and there was nothing to be gained under…
Tending the Garden
By Cameron Anderson Plant gardens, eat what they produce.—From a letter to the exiles in Babylon, Jeremiah 29:5 The opening chapters of Genesis attempt nothing less than to describe the beginnings of the whole created order. But within this grand theological…
The Garden We Long For
By Cameron Anderson The heavens are telling the glory of God;and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.Day to day pours forth speech,and night to night declares knowledge.—Psalm 19:1-2 (NRSV) Promoters described the 1969 Woodstock Music and Arts Fair as an “Aquarian…
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